50: The Facts of Life

December 16, 2016 00:46:54
50: The Facts of Life
The Nights & Weekends Podcast
50: The Facts of Life

Dec 16 2016 | 00:46:54


Show Notes

This week is a tribute to Alan Thicke, writer of The Facts of Life theme song, among many others.
Today Ken and I are catching up on our businesses, and talking about some next steps for both of us. Craig has his first professional coaching call set up, as he's looking to further refine the operations, independence, and profitability of PodcastMotor.  Looking into 2017 this will be a major focus for him in building out a more diversified, not as dependent on any one person or thing, business that can sustain for the long term. Ken is just weeks away from launching the newest version of MastermindJam, and along with it will come much enhanced user onboarding, meeting scheduling, and hopefully retention. Ken is also looking to build out a small mastermind style trip (similar to the Big Snow Tiny Conf events), but on a sailboat.  If you're interested in meeting other entrepreneurs, talking shop, and working out your businesses in a beautiful setting check out bigsailtinyconf.com  

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